Eligible full-time employees can take advantage of LBT’s 401(a) Matching Contribution Plan. Every dollar you save is matched to help you build a larger retirement nest egg.
Who can participate?
Any full-time employee hired on or after April 1, 2011, not participating in another LBT retirement plan.
Automatic contributions by LBT
Just for being an eligible employee, LBT automatically contributes 5% of your annual salary to the 401(a) matching contribution plan. That is free money!
Plus, you can receive a match
For every dollar you contribute, LBT matches that contribution, up to 5% of your total salary.
This means that if you contribute 5% of your salary, LBT contributes an additional 10%!
There are some exceptions related to catch-up provisions and whether you are in a bargaining group.
There are also annual limits. Employees must be vested by completing three years of service before being able to access the matching funds. If you leave the agency before three years, you forfeit these benefits.
There are also annual limits. Employees must be vested by completing three years of service before being able to access the matching funds. If you leave the agency before three years, you forfeit these benefits.
If you have questions about the program, your retirement benefits and other matters related to LBT’s 401(a) Matching Contribution benefits, contact Ingris Lopez at 562.489.8461.