Did you know that LBT offers an education assistance
program to help you grow professionally? You can
take classes to enhance your job-related skills and
knowledge – and LBT will help pay for the cost!
Who can participate?
Any regular, full-time employee can participate in the
program, subject to approval.
How much can I receive?
You can receive up to $3,200 per fiscal year to help pay for your tuition.
What types of educational programs are eligible?
You must attend an accredited college or university.
I’m interested, what do I do?
You can pick up an application from any team member in the HR
department. Please complete the application and submit to your
department manager and ED/VP for approval. You must receive approval
prior to beginning courses in order to receive reimbursement.
If you have questions about LBT’s tuition reimbursement, contact
Jackie Gomez at 562.599.8564.
Eligible full-time
employees can take
advantage of LBT’s
401(a) Matching
Contribution Plan.
Every dollar you save
is matched to help
you build a larger
retirement nest egg.
Who can participate?
Any full-time employee hired on or after April 1, 2011, not
participating in another LBT retirement plan.
Automatic contributions by LBT
Just for being an eligible employee, LBT automatically contributes
5% of your annual salary to the 401(a) matching contribution plan.
That is free money!
Plus, you can receive a match
For every dollar you contribute, LBT matches that contribution, up
to 5% of your total salary.
This means that if you contribute 5% of your salary, LBT
contributes an additional 10%!
There are some exceptions related to catch-up provisions and
whether you are in a bargaining group.
There are also annual limits.
Employees must be vested by completing three years of service
before being able to access the matching funds. If you leave the
agency before three years, you forfeit these benefits.
If you have questions about the program, your retirement
benefits and other matters related to LBT’s 401(a) Matching
Contribution benefits, contact Ingris Lopez at 562.489.8461.
The best way to protect yourself against
the flu and COVID-19 is by getting your
flu shot!
While LBT cannot provide on-site flu
shots this year, there are plenty of places
to get immunized this year against the
flu. With the current COVID-19 pandemic,
getting the flu shot is more important
than ever!
With your LBT health insurance
you can visit a local Costco, CVS, Target,
Walgreens and other locations to get
your flu shot at no charge.
Omada® is a digital lifestyle change program. We combine the latest technology
with ongoing support so you can make the changes that matter most—whether
that’s around eating, activity, sleep, or stress. It’s an approach shown to help you
lose weight and reduce the risks of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Eat Healthier
Learn the fundamentals of making smart food choices.
Increase Activity
Discover easy ways to move more and boost your energy.
Overcome Challenges
Gain skills that allow you to break barriers to change.
Strengthen Habits
Zero in on what works for you, and find lasting motivation.
Stay Healthy For Life
Continue to set and reach your goals with strategies and support.
More Great News
You’ll receive the program at no additional cost if you or your adult dependents are
enrolled in the Long Beach Transit medical plan offered through Cigna, are at risk for
diabetes or heart disease, and are accepted into the program.
Take Omada’s 1-minute health screener to see if you’re eligible: omadahealth.com/lbtransit
For more information about Omada’s personalized health program, visit teamlbt.com/omada